Product Downloads

You should download Product as soon as possible from the receipt page or from the “my account” section. All downloads must be made within 48 hours of purchase. For the security of the Site and its clients, download links are deactivated after 48 hours. If, for some reason You fail to download within 48 hours please contact us so that we may re-set Your purchase for download.

Many of the sample packs and loops on this web site are over 10MB; therefore, it is recommended that You use a fast, broadband internet connection to download Product. For reasons outside of Remnant Loops’ control, sample packs and loops can become corrupted. This problem could be caused by many things including poor internet connections, user software malfunctions or other reasons beyond the control and responsibility of Remnant Loops. In the unlikely event this happens to you, simply download the samples or loops again. We guarantee that all Products are in 100% working order and downloaded on our servers.

Remnant Loops uses a self-extracting Zip file, which is an executable file (.exe) that contains a Zip file and a small program to extract (unzip) the contents of the Zip file. Users can run (execute) the file just as they run any other program; just double click on the .exe file.

Remnant Loops also uses .rar files is the native format of WinRAR archiver. Like other archives, .rar files are data containers, they store one or several files in the compressed form. After you downloaded .rar file from Internet, you need to unpack its contents in order to use it. The most common software to decompress .rar files are WinRar and Stuffit Expander.